Co-Managed IT Support

Combine the power of outsourced plus in-house technology experts for the best in IT support..

Gain a team of engineers, trainers, decision-makers, project managers, and strategists that will work alongside your in-house IT personnel to handle day-to-day requirements. You can focus on what counts: how to best make use of technology at all levels within the organization.


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How can Co-Managed IT help you and your business succeed?

Co-Managed IT Support is the ultimate technology service for fast-paced successful businesses.

Using technology to drive business goals is what IT professionals excel at. But between putting out day-to-day fires, managing security issues, coordinating needs and goals with business leadership, and finding + training new IT staff, it’s often hard to keep up with the changing technology landscape.

That’s where co-managed IT comes in – an outsourced IT firm like Tier 3 Partners works in tandem with your internal technology person or team. Hybrid IT partnerships offer various benefits: more reliable service at a lower cost than hiring additional internal staff, letting in-house IT focus on the core business, and expanding your company’s capabilities and expertise with state-of-the-art technology.

Utilizing a hybrid, co-managed IT partnership, internal tech teams can focus on high-level tasks that bring revenue and stability to the company. Their years of training and specialized knowledge shouldn’t be wasted on figuring out why Judy can’t open an email!

We can help with routine or maintenance work, assist with IT decisions, create a technology roadmap, help drive towards business goals, boost security, complete projects, and alleviate hiring and training needs.

If your internal team needs some extra help, it might be time to explore co-managed IT support.

Ready to explore Co-Managed IT Support?

Frequently Asked Questions About Co-Managed IT Support